0191 5842142
Please check bulletin timetable for the details of Masses and any changes in times.
10.00 am Morning Mass
7.00 pm Adoration and Benediction
The Parish Office is usually open
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday, 9.30am – 2.30pm. During
those times, Pat Dawson will
endeavour to assist with all
relevant enquiries, including
Baptism and Marriage enquiries,
Mass Intentions, Planned Giving &
Gift Aid donations and any
forthcoming events in our parishes.
There's much more information on our local area worship on the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Website www.rcdhn.org.uk
St Mary's Cathedral in Newcastle are continuing with live streaming Masses.
Normal Sunday Mass is at 11:30am and every Weekday Mass at 12.05 pm.
A partnership is a group of parishes agreeing to work together to share resources, both human and material, to become stronger and better equipped for furthering the Kingdom of God. They offer our Diocese unlimited potential as we seek to ensure viable and flourishing communities of people who want to deepen their commitment to Jesus and witness to him in our world.
St Michael's is now part of the Partnership of St Mary the Virgin, joining parishes in Seaham, Murton, Thornley, Peterlee, Horden and Hutton House, Blackhall.